The party walks out of the fey portal to find themselves in an occupied room. This room has all the furnishings of a living area along with all the accoutrements of a cult's torture chamber. A wizard identified by Probabilitor as "Grand Vantage", his teacher in conjuration wizardry, and her four acolytes are torturing an Aasimar Paladin named Justus with the aim of learning how to summon a bound Aasimar at will by conjuration. Grand Vantage makes some accusations about Probabilitor not being any better than her, for Probabilitor participated in less than reputable trades.
Cletus is having none of this nonsense and instantly attacks. The four acolytes transform into three werebears and one wereboar. Grand Vantage is caught unexpectedly in her chambers and makes a hasty retreat after Belor casts Silence to prevent spellcasting. The wereboar and a werebear acolyte are killed, but the other two werebears beat a hasty retreat after their leader.
The party dumps the body of Mike in a bowl of blood after looting the body and cutting off several appendages. Weary, the party rests in the room. Upon interrogation, Probabilitor claims that this was the easiest portal in the main realm to get back to from the fey realm. Why it was the easiest portal is unclear.
After resting, the party continues into the next room. One treasure chest is trapped, but Cletus gets his hand out of the vice with some clever use of an acidic potion found in the original room.
Continuing on, the party finds a connecting cave system. Cletus spots with his sharp eyes a gelatinous cube in time for everyone to avoid it. A carrion crawler is also spotted, but right now it's not interested in anything more than the dead.
Across a small chasm, a set of doors blocks the only obvious entrance. Cletus and Gracchus cross the chasm and start negotiating with voices on the other side. These voices are suspicious because no one has ever come from that entrance before. To verify the party's claim of numbers, the voices ask for ears to be passed under the door.
Room 1
Room 2